Thin Veil Press is an online literary magazine that publishes annually at midnight on All Hallows’ Eve.

Each year on October 31st, the veil between the living and the dead is at its thinnest and strange happenings begin. So, whether it be at a peculiar stranger at the Festival of Samhain, a lonely walk through a lively cemetery, or perhaps even a trick-or-treat at the wrong house—our press celebrates the best of dark fiction and art.

We also publish dark fiction and poetry in our Dark Reads collection throughout the year to keep the spirit of All Hallows’ Eve alive. Even if the sun is shining and the birds are chirping, it’s always Halloween at Thin Veil Press.

We are a small team of six who work voluntarily, meaning all the work we do for the nonprofit literary magazine is during our own time. To keep up to date on vacancies at Thin Veil Press, follow our Twitter & Instagram and sign up to our newsletter to be the first to know. See our skeleton crew below to become familiar with our team!

Meet the Skeleton Crew

There are currently no vacancies at Thin Veil Press. Keep an eye on our Twitter for future openings or opt in for our emails below to be the first to hear about openings on the team.