thin veil

By Taylor Franson-Thiel


The abyss is so tender there is almost no abyss at all - Yang Lian

I’ve never believed in anything

the way I believe in a Virginia fog.

You can almost see the hungry seraphim

searching for something to eat

among bodies blending with the haze.

Living ghosts smelling of gunsmoke

and history. Every inch of this state,

a grave. All of it at once a haunting

membrane spread thick, seeping through

the cedars. I am afraid I will never leave.

That God lost me here in stomach

acid, left me small and swallowed.

I reach out to touch my reflection in

the nearly solid mist, and I miss.


Taylor Franson-Thiel (she/her) is a Pushcart nominated poet from Utah, now based in Fairfax, Virginia. She received her Master’s in creative writing from Utah State University and is pursuing an MFA at George Mason University. Along with writing, she enjoys lifting heavy weights and reading fantastic books.