New Fiction to feast on…

Getaways are great for reconnecting with partners. The peace and quiet, the time together...the isolation. You may even want to bring your handcuffs, maybe the chainsaw?

Bentley was not having a good day.

He reflected on this – the ultimate shittiness of it – as he lay on the floor, neck cranked to one side with hands cuffed mercilessly to an ancient radiator. He gave the bracelet another yank and the raw flesh under unforgiving metal screamed at him. Blood trickled into the sleeve of his flannel shirt. Who the fuck wore flannel anyway, he steamed. Loggers, maybe. Hipsters who wanted to look like loggers. And Bentley now too, apparently.

Fucking thanks, Becca…

The Getaway by Shelagh Smith


Scream and shout all you want; nobody is coming.

How do you get through despair?

the void doesn’t come with directions

there is no light to be seen when you’re right in the middle

you just turn in this dizzy circle & all you can see

is dark, & dark, & dark & more dark

till you give up turning & just sit sick in the nothing…

The Thinning of the Veil

In Celtic Folklore, it is believed the veil between the living and the dead is thinnest on All Hallows’ Eve.

As a dark literary press dedicated to the morbid and macabre, it’s only right to release our issues on October 31st.